Drupal consulting for MAG and PMG in Mainz

On behalf of the agencies Signalkraft and WSP Design, Berger Schmidt supports the Mainzer Aufbaugesellschaft during the relaunch of the PMG website, and the website re-designs for MAG and PMG.
Because the MAG website was already programmed in Drupal-7, the Drupal installation could be extended by the module Domain Access, and the content of the PMG could be integrated there.
The already existing Drupal instance now delivers 2 websites, the functions can be used furthermore, and the editors of the MAG stay in their known environment.
In addition the designs of both websites were modified and, accordingly to the new corporate design, normalized.
The website mag-mainz.de represents the Mainzer Aufbaugesellschaft mbH with its projects:
Die Mainzer Aufbaugesellschaft mbH ist die erste Adresse, wenn es um innovative und professionelle Projektentwicklung geht. Die Kernkompetenz der MAG liegt seit über 45 Jahren in der Entwicklung und Realisierung von städtebaulich bedeutenden Projekten.
On the website pmg-mainz.de one finds informationen about the parking decks of the Parken in Mainz GmbH:
Kernkompetenzen der Parken in Mainz GmbH sind der Bau und der Erwerb sowie das kaufmännische und technische Management eigener und angemieteter Parkhäuser.