Drupal consulting for the Stonebrach Customer Portal

The Customer Care Portal of Stonebranch is online!
Berger Schmidt developed the platform in cooperation with agency Pixline Media which was responsible for the project management and web design.
Shortly after the corporate website of Stonebranch launched on Wordpress, they decided to use Drupal as content management framework for their Customer Care Portal, where they are, in consultation with their customers, currently running the first test phase of the project.
Customer Care
Software provider Stonebrach is specialized in IT Workload automation and aims at improving the customer communication with the portal.
There, users can access documentation and video tutorials; they can view the Case tracker logs and create new cases. Customers can comment on Stonebranch Software, suggest improvements (feature requests), and have the opportunity to communicate with each other in the forum.
This way, Stonebranch can react faster to customer wishes, and the resulting insights can be used for the development of new products.
Stonebranch says:
We encourage open and active communication between our valued customers and Stonebranch's workload automation specialists.