Drupal website for Apunto business consultancy

The website of Apunto is online!
Berger Schmidt developed the one-pager in collaboration with Frankfurt am Main based designer Michaela Spohn, and utilizes the Open-Source content management system Drupal.
The responsive website informs the visitor about the profile, the services as well as the numerous references of Alexander Püschel, and completes the user experience by offering various ways for communication (Google Maps, vCard, social media, webform).
On technical side the content was gathered as separate objects (services, references etc.), then combined displayed on the one-pager, and finally equipped with animations and interactive functions.
About Apunto
APUNTO versteht sich als Human Resources- und Vergütungsberatung mit einem profilierten Leistungsportfolio rund um die Themen Compensation & Performance Management, Leadership, People und Organisation. (...) Unsere Beratung ist ergebnis- und lösungsorientiert. Entscheider sollen belastbare Ergebnisse, wesentlichen Erkenntnisgewinn und Klarheit für die nächsten Schritte erhalten.