#DrupalCares - Donations to fund the Drupal Association (COVID-19)

While the Drupal platform is used by health organizations around the world, the funding of the Drupal Association is at risk, because so far this has mainly been done through the popular DrupalCon events.
The #DrupalCares campaign is a fundraiser designed to protect the Drupal Association from the financial impact of COVID-19.
Further information can be found at the Drupal Association on the following page: Sustaining the Drupal Association | COVID-19 Impact.
How we help
As a 5-year-old Supporting Partner of the Drupal Association, we follow the call for the #DrupalCares Challenge and donate as follows:
- 1000 € Donation to the Drupal Association
- 500 € Update of Organisation Membership
- 250 € Update of Individual Membership for Simon Berger
- 250 € Update of Individual Membership for Christian Schmidt
- 250 € Update of Individual Membership for Peter Huck
- 250 € Update of Individual Membership for Paul Bartels
- 250 € Private donation by Christian Schmidt
What we hope for
We hope that the Drupal Association will be able to successfully revise its financing model and that in future the financing will no longer be primarily through the DrupalCon events.
As a small Drupal agency with limited resources, we were very grateful when the Supporting Partner Program was established in addition to membership.
In this way, we can continuously and reliably (for both sides) contribute to the financing of the Drupal Association.
We think: You can build on that, and do more!
Update from Mai, 6th 2020
The Drupal Association states:
#DrupalCares has raised $500,000, meeting its 60-day goal in just over 30 days. Nearly 150 businesses and organizations, along with over 2,000 individual donors and members donated, to reach the goal in record time. We give you our #DrupalThanks!