Responsive Drupal Website for Leading-Edge Cluster Ci3 in the Rhein-Main-Region

The new website of the Cluster für Individualisierte ImmunIntervention (ci3) is online!
Internet agency Berger Schmidt developed the responsive website on basis of the content management system Drupal, and in collaboration with designer Nina Schaarschmidt. The editing is done by the employees of Ci3.
About Ci3
Ci3 is a leading-edge cluster, in the Rhein-Main-Region, featured by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF). It links numerous companies, organizations and academic institutions, and fosters medial strategies, which utilize the immune system for the therapy of diseases like cancer, autoimmunity and infections (immunotherapy).
The website of the BMBF states:
In the Ci3 cluster in the Rhine-Main region, more than 120 different partners from science and industry work to develop highly selective active ingredients for the patient-specific treatment of cancer as well as infectious and autoimmune diseases. The cluster partners include research institutes such as Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) and the Institute for Translational Oncology (TRON), the University Hospitals in Frankfurt am Main and Mainz, universities including the Johannes Gutenberg University and Technische Universität Darmstadt, as well as industry-specific SMEs and large corporations such as AbbVie, Biotest and Merck Serono.
On the website
The website provides several content types:
- Pages with miscellaneous layout options inform the reader about the cluster, and serve as hooks for further content
- Projects represent the research and development inside the cluster, and link to the involved project partners
- News und Events report about happenings in the cluster region, and are assigned to related companies and organizations
- Jobs make available the job announcements of companies on a job board
Beside there are functions for the communication with Ci3:
Visitors can ...
- register for Ci3-Events via a custom programmed web form
- subscribe to the Ci3-Newsletter via an integrated form widget
The special area Services gets described on the website as follows:
As the connecting link between academia, industry, organizations, policy makers and the general public, Ci3 provides its members with a comprehensive range of services. Find out ...